What Are Systems?

Q. So what are systems and why do a sociocratic organizations meet that definition? A system is a grouping of parts that share a common purpose. OrganizationsThe Delibrative Democracy Consortium (DDC)u is an alliance o... More are systems of people who share a common purpose or aim. A Grouping of Parts The parts must be defined. A lawnmower doesn’t work with just any old part. It works because specific parts do specific jobs. All parts… Read More . . . “What Are Systems?”

If Hospitals Were Run Like Schools

A commentary on an Op-Ed in the New York Times by Joe Nocera, “How to Fix the Schools,” 18 September 2012. Joe Nocero’s post in the New York Times today points out that the reason the Chicago schools won’t be helped by the teacher’s union strike that began this week is that both the teacher’s union and Rahm Emanuel are both focusing on the wrong issues. He quotes Marc Tucker of the National Center on… Read More . . . “If Hospitals Were Run Like Schools”

Organizational Structure and Equality

Today I completed a post on organizational structure that I began writing in 2010 on “The Tyranny of Structurelessness,” an article by Jo Freeman published in various versions from 1971-1973. She discussed the problems with the women’s movement in the late 1960s and 70s that began to believe that structurelessness in and of itself was an organizational ideal that would solve the problems of autocratic rule and the exclusion of women and minorities. She defines… Read More . . . “Organizational Structure and Equality”

Consensus: Community or Decision-Making

Q: Discussions of consensus on cohousing discussion lists seem to be focused on or limited to facilitated, time-bound, decision-making events rather than building a culture of relationships in a community. Is this intentional? Questions about consensus generally do focus on the technicalities and problems of using consensus to make decisions in meetings. And building community is one objective of using consensus because it ensures that the interests of everyone will be taken into consideration. However,… Read More . . . “Consensus: Community or Decision-Making”

De School, Zandvoort, The Netherlands

deSchool Logo De School in The Netherlands was founded using the sociocratic organization method under the guidance of Annewiek Reijmer of the global center, the Sociocratisch Centrum. The school has become famous in Holland because it offers a 50-week school year in order to meet parents needs for childcare as well as education for their children. The children, as young as six, work with the parents, the teacher, and an outside expert to evaluate the student’s progress… Read More . . . “De School, Zandvoort, The Netherlands”

Stand Asides

Stand asides are a time-honored practice in majority vote decision-making. They are used when a person wants their vote recorded, but can’t vote yes, doesn’t want to vote no, and doesn’t want to abstain. Usually it means the person disagrees but has agreed to stand aside and allow the decision to go forward. Sometimes it means that they have a conflict of interest and want the record to show that they were not voting, but… Read More . . . “Stand Asides”