Category: History and Philosophy

Understanding the history and theory of both democracy and sociocracy provides a deeper understanding of the principles and practices of what a sociocracy or sociocratic democracy might be, and why. Knowing the intention and development of an idea supports the meaningful application of its principles and practices in everyday life.

Who the NRA Really Speaks For

Photograph of Assault Rifles Gun Control and Sociocracy A shocking opinion piece appeared in the New York Times today, Who the NRA Really Speaks For, by Alan Berlow who writes on gun control and death penalty issues for The New Yorker, Atlantic Monthly, Harpers, New York Times Magazine, and other major publications. Perhaps you are better informed but I’m not a close reader of gun control laws and this piece set me back a bit. Berlow explains how ineffective… Read More . . . “Who the NRA Really Speaks For”

The Dangers of Renaming Sociocracy

The impulse in consulting and study groups with a focus on sociocracy is renaming sociocracy: dynamic governance, dynamic self-governance, sociocracy 3.0, Circle Forward, Holacracy, etc. All include sociocracy with almost no variation except in changing the names and vocabulary. I’m totally sympathetic with this—”sociocracy” in English isn’t a pleasant word. It has this awful “ock” sound in the middle that is harsh and too easily becomes nasal. And the association with the word “socialism,” which… Read More . . . “The Dangers of Renaming Sociocracy”

Who Stole the American Dream

Crushing Middle-Class  Prosperity The American Dream is of obtaining middle-class prosperity and socio-economic mobility. Hedrick Smith analyzes how it was lost in America. The American middle class in the 1960s was the largest and most prosperous in the world. Now, the disparity between top and bottom is huge. Even the wealthiest 5% are falling behind the super-rich 1% that controls 2/3 of the nation’s wealth—trillions of dollars. The remaining 99% earn the remaining 1/3. America… Read More . . . “Who Stole the American Dream”

Followers Make Movements

Derek Sivers delivering a TED How to start a movement? A fabulous 3-minute video by Derek Sivers on how to start a movement. The first follower is an underestimated form of leadership in itself… The first follower is what transforms a lone nut into a leader. The leader has to have the courage to stand alone, and then make it easy to be followed, to share openly. The leader must support the first followers as equals, not as subordinates.… Read More . . . “Followers Make Movements”

Sociocratic Democracy

Can an illiterate, uneducated person living on $2 a day with no financial resources in a village chronically devastated by malaria be expected to have the personal energy to fight for human rights? Do they have to wait for outside intervention? Do they know there is an outside? An outside beyond the God they believe brings them disease and death because that’s the way life is? In a sociocracy, they would be able to participate… Read More . . . “Sociocratic Democracy”

Sociocratic Democracy FAQ

What is sociocratic democracy? Sociocratic democracy integrates sociocratic methods with democratic objectives in all levels of government, from neighborhoods to countries. Democracy is the fastest growing form of government around the world but it cannot guarantee freedom and equality as it promises. Although it is less familiar, sociocracy shares democratic values but can function well in highly demanding market economies. It has a decision-making structure that enables it to maintain its values while governing productively… Read More . . . “Sociocratic Democracy FAQ”