Tag: Voting

Homeowner Association Boards (HOA)

A blog post on the tyranny of homeowners association boards sparked a chord of frustration and disdain in me this morning. The blog post was by Jonathan Nettler, “The Tyranny of America’s Homeowners Associations,” on the Planitizen website, “a public-interest information exchange for the urban planning, design, and development community.” Nettler’s post selectively quotes a post by Kaid Benfield, “Coercion by Contract: How Homeowners Associations Stifle Expression, Sustainablity” on the Natural Resources Defense Council site… Read More . . . “Homeowner Association Boards (HOA)”

Is Voting Meaningless?

Multiple lines of people waiting to vote. This post is not intended to discourage voting. It only addresses the fact that our votes are not as powerful as they are often portrayed by political parties. The peer-to-peer election process is not about voting. It is designed to identify the best available person to do the job. Those with the most reliable information about the job and about the people qualified to do it are responsible for nominating and electing the best person.… Read More . . . “Is Voting Meaningless?”