Tag: leadership

Strong Towns and a Way Forward

Strong Towns Website Logo …a good example of how sociocracy consultants and advocates can work within an organization to incorporate sociocratic principles and practices using the language and current objectives of the organization. What prompted me to write today was the discovery of Strong Towns, a non-profit organization devoted to local civic development.  In despair over the state of American governance, I was clicking through the far too many news sources I read every morning and saw a link… Read More . . . “Strong Towns and a Way Forward”

Sociocracy’s Achilles Heel

Painting of infant Achilles being dipped in the river Trump, Trumpism, and Trumpist In the winter, I promised to write more about Donald Trump as a democratic leader (already a difficult leap) and how things would differ in a government based on the Sociocratic Circle Method (SCM) of organization. A series of compare-and-contrast analyses that would illustrate the ways in which a sociocratic democracy would prevent or disable a Trumpist government. The  24/7 television news channels have been and still are a daily deluge… Read More . . . “Sociocracy’s Achilles Heel”

Followers Make Movements

Derek Sivers delivering a TED How to start a movement? A fabulous 3-minute video by Derek Sivers on how to start a movement. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fW8amMCVAJQ The first follower is an underestimated form of leadership in itself… The first follower is what transforms a lone nut into a leader. The leader has to have the courage to stand alone, and then make it easy to be followed, to share openly. The leader must support the first followers as equals, not as subordinates.… Read More . . . “Followers Make Movements”

A Sociocratic Movement?

I sat in on a conference call with the SociocraticConsultingGroup-en last week on forming an organization for sociocracy. I found the discussion to be about the same issues we had several years ago, when Socionet tried to form. It’s the same problem that the NVC organization has had, and that the Austin Belly dance group discussed on the [email protected] list many years ago. The problem of conflicting aims and energies between professionals and enthusiasts. The… Read More . . . “A Sociocratic Movement?”

Cohousing Meal Programs and Leadership

Some successful cohousing meal programs require participation by either cooking, preparing, or cleaning once every few weeks. (No one is required to eat.) But other communities that require participation in meal support still have meals infrequently. A successful program averages 3-4 meals a week and their success is often attributed to  organization and leadership. This statement is typical of those programs: We have a “meals boss” role, the Scheduler. Meals usually a major reason for… Read More . . . “Cohousing Meal Programs and Leadership”

What Is Power?

The purpose of leadership and decision-making structures in sociocracy is to build the maximum power for everyone. And to balance that power with harmony and fairness. It is the responsibility of each person in a sociocratic organization to develop their own power and to use it to optimize the work of the organization. In physics, power is the rate at which work is performed or energy converted. As people, we have personal power, the ability… Read More . . . “What Is Power?”