Tag: Sociology

Sociocratic Democracy FAQ

What is sociocratic democracy? Sociocratic democracy integrates sociocratic methods with democratic objectives in all levels of government, from neighborhoods to countries. Democracy is the fastest growing form of government around the world but it cannot guarantee freedom and equality as it promises. Although it is less familiar, sociocracy shares democratic values but can function well in highly demanding market economies. It has a decision-making structure that enables it to maintain its values while governing productively… Read More . . . “Sociocratic Democracy FAQ”

Sociocracy and Sociology

I’d never heard anyone claim sociocracy was based on sociology. How do you interpret that? The relationship between sociocracy and sociology was there from the beginning. The first use of the word sociocracy was by Comte, the father of sociology, who created it in the 1850s to refer to a government based sociology, the new  science for the study of society.  Frank Ward, the father of American Sociology, was  the next strong advocate for Sociocracy. … Read More . . . “Sociocracy and Sociology”

What Is Sociocracy and Why Does Democracy Need it?

Let’s start with “What is Sociocracy?” A quick answer is that sociocracy is both: A social ideal that values equality and the rights of people to determine the conditions under which they live and work, and An effective method of organizing associations, businesses, and governments, large and small. The history of group decision making is of course as old as life itself, and humans have been doing it for millenia. There is much to be… Read More . . . “What Is Sociocracy and Why Does Democracy Need it?”