Tag: harmony

Sociocratic Democracy FAQ

What is sociocratic democracy? Sociocratic democracy integrates sociocratic methods with democratic objectives in all levels of government, from neighborhoods to countries. Democracy is the fastest growing form of government around the world but it cannot guarantee freedom and equality as it promises. Although it is less familiar, sociocracy shares democratic values but can function well in highly demanding market economies. It has a decision-making structure that enables it to maintain its values while governing productively… Read More . . . “Sociocratic Democracy FAQ”

Doing Rounds Takes Too Long

In our monthly community meeting we discuss and make decisions. We are a circle consisting of all residents, often 20-30 people are present. This means that the rounds often take more time than a lot have the patience for. Possibly we could break down into smaller groups, just as it is presented on the courses and workshop as some of us have attended. But it gives some other challenges regarded the dual link and the… Read More . . . “Doing Rounds Takes Too Long”