Tag: circles

Consensus or Sociocracy?

We are 3 months into starting a cohousing community in western MA. We will soon be discussing how we will make group decisions. Consensus and sociocracy seem to be common strategies in cohousing and other intentional communities. Which do you recommend? “Consensus or Sociocracy?” Is the Wrong Question (But there are no dumb questions. This one is a very good question and one we hear frequently.) Sociocracy and consensus are not opposite things. Consensus is… Read More . . . “Consensus or Sociocracy?”

Maximum Size for Rounds?

How large a group can effectively do rounds? The recommended maximum size for circles is 20-40 people so that would apply to the optimal maximum size for rounds as well. But rounds have been done in groups of 150 and even 400.Years ago, before I had heard of “rounds” I read the account of a round with 400 people. A mediator was working to resolve a community issue at a town hall meeting. She said… Read More . . . “Maximum Size for Rounds?”

How Can Everyone Make Decisions?

How could it be possible for everyone in a company to be making decisions? There is too much information. People would be in meetings all day and most people don’t want all that information and won’t listen anyway. In the sociocratic structure of interconnected decision-making circles, everyone participates in the decisions that directly affect their daily work, but only in those decisions. Unless they are the elected representative or the operational leader they don’t participate… Read More . . . “How Can Everyone Make Decisions?”

Circle Size

Circles should be of any size that allows inclusive and efficient deliberations, generally no larger than 40 members with 20 being the optimal maximum. While circle policy directly affects the people setting the policies, it is beneficial to have circles of sufficient size to include a range of experience and expertise.